Wednesday, February 11, 2009

finding my blog

I think it is a real achievement that I have found this blog again, without the help of anybody.
well almost.

dumpling night ended up a tad messy, thus I forgot everything about this blog except for the fact that yes, i had made one. finding the blog again didnt turn out to be so hard. knowing my way around blogger will prove itself to be a challenge though!

I have made this blog because you, my friend, have gone overseas to have crazy wonderful adventures in crazy wonderful places. This blog will let you know whats going on in the life of us, back here in aus.

I have a list of people that I hold responsible for the events of dumpling night:
Adam and Jess - you bought me a dumpling book. which is great, except it prompted me to have a dumplings night.
Allira - buying me wine glasses.
Raj - buying me a workable bottle-opener. Previous to this, I had a small dodgy one which i think i lost anyway.
Raj - for bringing the first bottle of red wine
Raj - for coming with me, and encouraging me in the purchasing of more said bottles of red wine.
Katie, Kaami, Laura, Maeva, Keano, Emma, Adam and anyone else who came to the said event and made it a drunken night.

The events of dumpling night wont be mentioned in any full detail here, except to say that I may never eat dumplings again because the smell of them prompts a queasy feeling in the stomach. Also, cheap red wine is out. swigging that last bottle was potentially a bad idea. I dunno whether i mentioned that I quit smoking to you, but I have officially quit being the casual smoker - for various reasons including that sophea yelled at me.

moving on.
To update you on life since you left the country:

Bushfires reign, and devestate all. But i'm sure you have read about this in the news, with the body count being the worst ever and with more to come. I am incredibly lucky because both my parents house, my mum and winston are all ok. after evacuating the house and staying at my sisters house saturday night, mum is back home and resuming life. Phew.

I then went to camp, and grievanced it up. As camps usually go, it was awesome though I did forget in the fire panic to pack such things as jackets and costumes - things which really would have come in handy.
At camp I discovered :
DJ'ing is awesome and stressful.
Drunk people are hilarious.
I missed having my very own kids. By the end of camp, the Jaffys didnt really quite comprehend my awesomeness. its not their fault, they werent given the chance.

I slept through the wake-up, on the last day. I'm not quite sure how, as the fire alarm managed to get set off in one of the cabins by the chainsaw. (hahaha). this was disheartening as its probably the last wake-up I would have the chance to attend, but also thrilling because jaffy's loved me for not waking them up but this was a strange feeling from being hated after so many wake-ups.
I also discovered another cult in the making, although they call themselves the 'green room.' right after applauding them for being awesome, I let them in on the fact that they will never be as awesomely awesome as light blue.

In other news, I caught up for coffee with taf today, who gave me an awesome plant which will grow butternut pumpkins. This will be planted on monday when my wheelbarrow garden comes into fruition. you all thought it would never happen, but it will. The ironic part is - the good thing about having it in a wheelbarrow is so you can wheel it around whereever yeah? well, due to the wheel on the wheelbarrow being shite, broken and not on the wheelbarrow this does in fact cancel out this useful aspect of a wheelbarrow.

katie is working heaps still, everyone else is good so far as i know. I have plans for another cocktail party, with the theme of absolutely fabulous. (because, yes, i would like to get drunk and abuse everyone.) I dont know when, but despite being out of the country I will invite you.

The futon is looking well though, after putting lots of chemicals on it,(you know that stain remover that squirts out the two liquids that combine to fight stains? yeah. advertising at its best, my friend.) it now has only a small stain and chemical/water marks. But i put a nice pale green sheet over the futon and it looks brand new.

I have decided blogging is weird.
Until next time when I update you on the goings on in the world,

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