Thursday, February 26, 2009

driving without P's

it seems i am behind in the blogging.. how does the time slip away?

life has been busy with work and work and more work, and then you know - having a life.


after cleaning the entire cafe at my work, i went bowling with bucky and the boys - as i call it. I lost, as usual and my reigning title of gutter-ball queen is still in place. (though i did surprise them with a few spares..)

i especially liked it when dom and i decided to try and lose with the same amount of points and then she started doing REALLY well and i lost on my lonesome.

-vagina monologues-

Saturday was busy with seeing the O-show preview, then seeing the vagina monologues - and bens going away(goodbye ben, you are gone away to overseas. i will miss you!)

When it was called the vagina monologues, i really didnt realise it would be so literal. it is literally, a series of monologues about vaginas, some confronting and some funny. the audience ratio of boys to girls was overwhelmingly on the girls side, funnily enough.

i also learnt this night, what a true joy it is to give flowers to your friends after their performances. the entire show, i had to sit there with these flowers - beautiful yes, but SO annoying and i was so glad to see her so i could get rid of them - only to learn that I could have given the flowers to front of house staff who would have taken them to her backstage.

but it was beautiful,

and the party afterwards was beautiful and yet again i was sober. ah, soberness.

i think, that drunk people are hilarious. i got wrestled by my friend who now apparently owns my right foot. thanks danny - who is threatening to gamble it away in poker.


i had never been to tropfest before, it was so amazing and great. we bought a picnic there, and the short films were entertaining and i had good company all night.

-host scheme day and night-

what a crazy day host scheme day was, from so early in the morning through to the afternoon- and trying to fit in catering with that. by the end of the day, i was exhausted and nearly didnt want to go to host scheme night..

but i did end of going to host scheme night of course, because why not go to a free party?

well, slow lines and expensive beer is one reason. all i really felt like doing, was either drinking through the tiredness and partying all night OR going home and writing to the small hours of the morn. due to no money and work early in the morning, i decided to leave early to get a little bit of rest before the craziness of the rest of the week started.


so this week has been oweek for all those first years at monash. i am, now, officially, a fourth year. seriously? the years, where did they go?

I have made about a thousand billion cookies for wholefoods this week, give or take a few. to the point, where i dont want to ever see cookies again. cookies are annoying, because they take more time then things like cakes and muffins. they require more patience and tender loving care. they are SO annoying.

and then everyone would eat them, so i would have to make more.

which yes, was the point. but its still stupid.

thursday i sat on the stall for student theatre, which was good because there were three of us and we got to get all the free stuff from places. this one guy from a club talked to me like i was a first year, and it was great. he gave me free alky, and i didnt have the heart to tell him i was a fourth year. i went to see the last o-show, which means i saw the first and the last! yay. it was definitely a crazy one with crazy antics - as is o-show tradition.

-project starfish-

backtracking to tuesday night during o-week, let me tell you the story of project starfish. a while ago, naomi and i told tina we would throw her a surprise birthday party- when she least expected. tina forgot about this. but we did not.

i called it project starfish, the code name to keep tina from finding out. however, only i ever used this name. i still think it suits though.

my job, was to get tina away from the house long enough for everyone to arrive. i thought that this was going to be massively hard, but it turned out to be extremely easy. arguments about mi goreng and my housemate getting locked out of the house was all that was needed to distract the now 21 year old tina, and i kept thinking she would be suspicious that we were takng so long to get back to her house...

but she was not..

it was classic. when everyone jumped up and yelled surprise - she was so shocked and took a few minutes to recover from this.

everyone decided to do a speech, but clearly naomi and my rant's were the best out of all. especially when we grabbed the quote book and read out the most hilarious things - which is apparently not so hilarious out of context. mostly it was 'you had to be there' comments.

the night ended when i monopolised the monopoly board. woooooooo. i have never won monopoly so sweetly...

-trivia night-

i was exhausted by the time trivia night came around yet still i was so prepared to trivia it out. it was a fundraiser for a film that my friend is trying to produce, thus i saw this as a good investment. plus, i wanted to go to a trivia night again. its been awhile.

i am absolutely seriously 100% terrible at trivia. but, i gathered a team of intellects. we managed to come second overall - which is not a bad effort i think.
what did we win?
a marilyn monroe clock,
and lots of cheap red wine.
now, if you are following the blogs then you know exactly what cheap red wine does to me.
so i will wait for someone else to drink it. (hurry up kids.)

-the licence-

it was a few days ago when i discovered that my licence was on the verge of expiring. strange , thinks i, that i did not receive anything from vicroads being like "congratulations on your full licence!"

so i called them and apparently they did send me a letter.. which i did not receive so i was just required to go in and pay for my new licence and then i would be registered to drive again. (because at this point i may have been unlicenced and this may not have stopped myself and billy from taking spins..)

so yay, all i needed to do was go to vicroads right?

this proves to be complicated.

attempt one:

I may have drove. i assure you i felt very guilty and made many attempts to look like i had just gotten off the bus (things like, putting ipod on etc) only to find that vicroads shuts at 4 30, not 5. Time: 4:45.

attempt two:

i didnt drive. starting to feel more risky. the thought went like this, i will get a bus from uni and it will all be good because how can thing go wrong? well, i missed the first bus i was meant to get.

the second bus after that, and i thought - gee, im cutting things fine. i get off the bus a stop early because i am so anxious about making it on time. i run to vicroads.

Time: 4:31. closed.

i seriously wanted to cry because my exhausted O-week intensive, having made a thousand cookies body was just like - i want my car.

attempt 3:

i get two connecting buses from ym house in the middle of the day, find vicroads open - hand over my money, get my photo taken and woa-lah - new licence.

*karra does a dance because she is so happy about licence*

its an alright photo as well, which is a plus.. so i got to pick up my car from naomis and take the Pplates off and drive my love home.

-the garden-

is still alive. can i just say? still alive. maybe kiara might not look it, but the rest of the garden thrives on LIFE. thats it, im just proud.

so rehearsal camp comes up for the weekend but my next blog will tell you all about it..(this is getting too long.)

if this week is any indication of what life will be like during semester i am in for a hell of a year. a fun year, but crazy!!!

my cheers and good love go out to all.

and remember- its a weird situation when you get home and your car and toothbrush are at your friends house.

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